
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Very first blog post ever!

So, like the title suggests this would be my very first blog post ever and I mean ever. I've always considered blogging in the past, but generally I give up on that dream quickly, mostly because I am completely certain that I will fail epicly at it. No one likes failing, especially me, so I remain content to enjoy reading other peoples blogs. I am not sure why I am suddenly prepared to face said failure. In fact, I still kinda am totally afraid of failing. But at the same time I can't help to at least give it a try. If it flops and you all think I suck, I'll just move on to something else and block this whole thing from my mind.

So, now that all that awkwardness is out of the way....

I'm Ami, which I suppose you could've figured out from my username.

I'm probably not going to say much in this very first blog. It was quite an uneventful day for me. Asides from my cats loosing their minds periodically throughout the day, which happens pretty much every single day since FOREVER.

My cats will most likely be a frequent topic of discussion for most of my posts, I imagine. They never cease to amaze me with the amount of crazy and or stupid things that they do.

I'll tell you a little bit about them now, since I've nothing better to say.

See, I have two cats. One is my little gray lump, otherwise known as Grat. Grat is a very simple cat, who is pretty much terrified of everything. I am not sure why she is that way, I am gunna have to assume that something traumatizing happened to her when she was young, before I adopted her from my grandmother. Either way, she is pretty pathetic most of the time but I adore her more then anything. She can be quite affectionate and cuddly. Now, if you pet her too much, she'll run away from you. She'll run away and sit on the farthest side of the room and just stare at you with this; "How could you?!" expression on her kitty face. Needless to say she is a strange cat. With unfortunately creepy eyes, heh.

My second cat is much different then Grat, but no less crazy in the end. In fact, I am willing to say that this little guy is waaaaaaaaaay crazier then poor Grat. He doesn't really have a name at the moment, or rather he has several different names. I don't know why one specific name hasn't just stuck to him. But everyone just calls him something random. For example, asshat, evil bastard, GET OUT OF THERE YOU!!!!, ARGHHH!!!!111!!, etc. But for the purpose of this blog I shall refer to him as Murry because that is what I like to call him most of the time.

Now Murry's goal in life, his soul purpose for living is chaos and destruction. He is probably the best and worst cat I have ever had. Hes not very old, we got him last year at the end of April, but if I'd have known how evil he was I probably would've picked a different kitten....Or maybe not....

You probably think I'm exaggerating, but I can assure you  I am not. He is always out for blood. Which is why my other cat chooses to hide out in my bedroom all day and night, while he roams around the rest of the house laying in wait for her to come out again. I know males are generally more aggressive, but I swear he is trying to kill everything he attacks. I actually think he thinks hes only playing and doesn't understand that he is biting and tearing the flesh from your arms waaay too hard. It is impossible to really play with him, unless we get him declawed. I would do that if I could afford it. But alas, I suck at being an adult and am currently jobless. Hence this blog being born I guess.

Now I'm getting way off track.

Anyways, Murry is a pretty stupid guy who runs around like a maniac and not at all like a ninja like cats usually run. No, he has to crash through everything and flop around, taking everything out in his path. He will run head first into just about anything. I've seen him run into walls, doors, peoples legs and the fridge.

If he is pissed off with you, he WILL find something you love and destroy it, leaving it in plain sight for you to find in the moring. And he knows nothing really bad will happen to him. He'll be yelled at and scolded for being an asshat, possibly put in time out in the cat kennel. But the kennel isn't even really a punishment, he fucking loves being in there and will sometimes plead with you to let him in it.

He really knows no fear.

He also likes to do drive by assaults, mostly to me though. Sometimes he'll just get the desire to run past me and slash at my leg with his claws. Sometimes he even has the nerve to walk up to me, sit next to my leg and stare up at me until suddenly he bites me and runs away.

All his asshatery aside, he can also be quite affectionate and cuddly. My favorite thing about him is his love for playing fetch. I have never had a cat run and retrieve toys the way a dog would, but he lives for it. His antics really are a constant source of amusement.

Well, I wont bore you with my ramblings about my cats anymore.

This will be the end of my very first blog post ever!

I assure you the next one will be much better and perhaps filled with more pictures. Or at least I will aim to make it better. Really there is a 50/50 chance I'll either make a horrible post that will amuse no one. Or I will make an super special awesome post that will at least get a chuckle or two. I'll take those odds.

p.s. I'm not sure about the picture thing actually. I've misplaced my optical mouse and have to do all my drawing with the touch pad on my laptop, which is annoying to say the least. I suck at drawing anyways but I'll try my best to illustrate my ranting with my attempts at cleverly drawn images all the same.

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